
Monday, April 4, 2011

Top 10 March

Top 10 March


  1. Thanks for your email. You are sending a list of "Top 10" regularly. What is the purpose of sending such type of mail to us? As you can see that 6 out of 10 are from Sargodha it means Sarghodhians are more efficient than others who are in the big cities such as Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi/Islamabad etc. etc. There is no compression between Sarghodha and other towns with big cities such as Karachi, Lahore etc. because there are so many branches of banks, post offices, Omni Dukans, easy paisa etc. and it is not possible for us to achieve such targets in the presence of so many competators. So, please don't waste your energy on preparartion of such type of list. Only concentrate on providing good services to the franchisee by increasing your publicity compain on TV and newspapers like UBL is doing now a days for Omni Dukan.
    Mansoor Alam
    KIOSK ID 61360

  2. Syed Munawar Hussain Bukhari Kiosik id 64055 Mohalla Safrani Ahmed Pur East District Bahawal Pur Mobil 03006831113 03336831113 03216831113 03136831113 03436831113 Ptcl 062-2272222 062-2273333 Vwirles 062-2000555 Email 31201-0311352-1
