
Sunday, April 15, 2012

BISP Help Desk

The Government of Pakistan launched the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP-SN) in 2008 to cushion the negative effects of the food crisis and inflation on the poor, particularly women. Later, for the implementation of its various social safety nets initiatives, the Government transformed BISP-SN into an autonomous public sector entity. The rapid expansion of BISP-SN’s benefits manifests the Government’s strong commitment to protecting the poor and vulnerable. In 2009, Government of Pakistan issued an Ordinance to provide a legal cover to BISP-SN and define its purpose and objectives, which are summarized below: Enhance financial capacities of the poor people and their dependent family members.

Formulate and implement comprehensive policies and targeted programmes for the uplift of underprivileged and vulnerable people; and Reduce poverty and promote equitable distribution of wealth especially for the low income groups. BISP-SN is a cross sectoral entity, and the implementation of its diverse portfolio is supported through cooperation of various partners, including the Ministry of Finance, NADRA and the Pakistan Post. As a newly established organization, BISP-SN is rapidly getting involved in a variety of social protection initiatives at the national level. One of these initiatives is the Safety Net (BISP-SN), which offers cash assistance to the poorest quintiles of the population.

The BISP-SN would introduce a Targeting Process that aims at a high degree of objectivity; using international best practices to minimize inclusion and exclusion errors. It introduces a payment system that is transparent and attempts to reach a high level of beneficiary satisfaction through home delivery of payments. It has placed a case management system to address cases that are generated by both the supply side (BISP-SN and its partners and stakeholders) and the demand side (Eligible households and ever married women). The BISP-SN would also introduce a new monitoring system, which provides the basis for further enhancement in the future.

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